Internal Medicine Vet
We provide inside-out care for your pet. Unlike with fleas, bleeding gums, or obvious limps or external trauma, if your pet is suffering from disease or illness, a visual inspection doesn’t reveal much. Our clinics are well-stocked with equipment that allows us to take a deeper look. From radiology (x-ray machines) to an on-site lab for bloodwork, we’ll get to the bottom of what’s ailing your furry family member.

Internal Veterinary Medicine offers quick diagnosis, quicker treatment.
When your pet is not feeling their best, we’re able to use the latest technology to quickly diagnose and start treatment.
X-rays can be used to evaluate your pet’s internal organs like the heart, lungs, and abdominal organs, as well as bones. When it comes to accurately diagnosing your pet, radiology can be an extremely valuable tool in our diagnostic arsenal.
We’re also stocked with an in-house laboratory that allows us to perform blood chemistry analysis, thyroid level analysis, coagulation profiles, and to test for things like parvovirus, feline leukemia, and Lyme disease.
When your pet is not feeling their best, our experienced team Bozeman vets uses the latest technology to make sure that they’re feeling their best as quickly as possible. Scheudle your internal veterinary medicine visit today!
How to contact us:
216 N 8th Ave.
Bozeman, MT 59715
Click here for directions.
Mon - Fri: 8 AM – 6 PM
Sat - Sun: 9 AM – 6 PM
Phone: 406-587-2946
Fax: 406-585-0129